Dedicated to the health and sustainability of the integrated environments of the Pacific Coast, from mountains and watershed to estuary and ocean.
PCEC supports the development of the Shelter Cove, CA Wild Animal Guide - Terrestrial Animals. This Guide highlights the variety of wild amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals that inhabit Shelter Cove and the King Range National Conservation Area in Northern California. The Guide is for public education purposes and is available free to any visitor to this precious wilderness area.

PCEC completes Shelter Cove Nature Website. This newly developed website expands upon the animals featured in the Shelter Cove Wild Animals Guide (see above) and is designed to open the world of wildlife living in Shelter Cove, CA, and in the surrounding King Range National Conservation Area. It includes information and links for wildlife, including animal descriptions, guides, maps and other resources. Produced and maintained by PCEC and SCARF Organizations for the purpose of public education and enhancing appreciation of wildlife and wild lands.
PCEC establishes the Terrestrial Vertebrate Species BioDatabase for Shelter Cove, CA, Region. .......
International scientific journal, Fisheries Research, publishes novel findings on the physiological and behavioral effects of "Catch and Release" fishing practices on a popular sport fish in southern California. Catching and releasing fish is well intended, but there is little known about how fish actually recover from the stressful experience once they have been returned to their natural environment. PCEC efforts were integral to defining these impacts, including measurement of key blood indicators of physiological stress impacts.
Archives: Selected prior news and events
PCEC organizes and volunteers in Coastal Clean-Up Day, EarthDay Beach Clean Up, National Public Lands Day, and other great events that engage people in active participation and environmental appreciation. PCEC continues to be active in these events and appreciates the wonderful volunteers who give their time and help!
PCEC President Jesus Reyes undertakes a voyage to the Pacific Garbage Patch, 1000 miles out in the Pacific Ocean! His purpose was to pursue novel research that evaluates whether and how plastic wastes in the ocean impact the health and well-being of wild fish. Working with Captain Charles Moore and his crew onboard of the ship ORV Algalita, who helped to discover the unfortunate aggregation of human refuse in the Pacific Gyre, Reyes sampled fish for transport to laboratories where he and his colleagues will analyze several aspects of fish health using state-of-the-art technologies.
Dr. Kevin Kelley of PCEC gives a public lecture as part of California State University, Chico's Omicron Theta Epsilon Seminar Series, entitled Chemical Contaminants and Health of Fishes in Urban Coastal Waters. Dr. Kelley highlighted molecular and physiological mechanisms underlying known circumstances of environmental endocrine disruption and toxicologial impacts in California wildlife, and discussed new methods as well as ecosystem health considerations.
PCEC President, Jesus Reyes, gives a public lecture at the Long Beach Aquarium of the Pacific, entitled Environmental Impacts from an 'Ocean' of Humans. The lecture discussed the status of California's coastal aquatic environments, presence of contaminants of emerging concern, impacts on organism health, and working toward effective management and solutions.
PCEC Support Scholarships for Student Researchers to Attend the International Conference, PRIMO, in Long Beach, California in May 2011
PCEC promotes environmental education and development of new environmental scientists by providing students scholarships to attend Pollutant Responses in Marine Organisms (PRIMO) conference. Scientists from all over the world attended the conference, the 30th anniversary. PCEC also supported the short course, “Non-reproductive Forms of Endocrine Disruption”, held on Santa Catalina Island offshore of Los Angeles.
...donations to PCEC support this kind of
student support! So, thank you!
Published in The Grunion, a Long Beach, CA, community newspaper, an article entitled "Fish Study Tests Lagoon Restoration". The article describes research undertaken by PCEC on the evaluation of physiological health indicators in fish during a major restoration of the local Colorado Lagoon. Part of a collaboration, this work by PCEC was essential to defining impacts on fish.
Dr. Kevin Kelley of PCEC gives a public lecture as part of California State University Long Beach's Fellow's Colloquium, entitled Sex, Drugs and Radical Chemistry. Along with Dr. Stephen Mezyk of the Chemistry Department at CSULB, Dr. Kelley discussed the contaminants of concern known to be in the environment, how they impact wildlife through endocrine disruption and toxicity responses, and new chemical methods that may prove useful in removing impactful environmental chemicals.